Total domination
By Jove, another week has been,
A friend asked me the other day what I had been up to and I heard myself say “Not much.”
I call bullshit.
You see, I think much of the things we fill our day our days with might seem like not much when we don't pay attention. I promise you, if you pause a moment to actually recall and reflect on the moments that make up your day you may realise you squeeze a lot in.
I write a list of things I aim to do in a day on my fridge (if it's in front of my face I'm far more likely to think about it). I rarely get through my list because frankly, my expectations of what can be achieved in a day are silly. BUT, I've noticed I tend to focus on what I didn't get done rather than on the things I did manage to tick off. That's even sillier sausage behaviour.
So, here's a thing we can help remind each other to do:
Focus on what's working. What's going okay in life? Where are you utterly dominating? (Insert insane wrestling move here. Lol - I know nothing about wrestling.)
My mad wrestling move atm is writing these sweet letters weekly and watering my rocket (the arugula-kind not the spaceship-kind). I cannot do these moves at the same time.
What's your mad wrestling move? Tell me please.
This is an old pic on my phone from a while back. I'm not great at creating regularly but I'm super great at appreciating past Hayley's actions. She creates weird things and records them. Another excellent wrestling move. On my way to TOTAL DOMINATION.
It's funny that not so many people know about Creative Arts Therapy nor NLP, and I happen to be trained in both. So, if you want, book something in and we'll have a nice time. Go on.
Off to learn the Inverted Atomic Drop (yes, I googled wrestling moves).